Creative Director, Copywriter, Marketing strategist


    B R A N D S

    for 25 yrs.


  • Who I Am. What I Do.


    I am a creative person who was not dedicated enough for being a real artist or a blooded businessman but I could bond quite well these 2 scenes with creative solutions.


    I believe in brands that make products, services beloved.

    I write great copies, headlines, claims, articles, posts.

    I work with words but I imagine in pictures and I think in concepts.

    I build strategies for all channels and creative concepts for campaigns, brands that wanna last long on the market.


    After 25 years in advertising business - including 17 excellent years flying with Red Bull, one of the greatest brands of all time – I have given myself a break just for starting, trying with my own brand, named We Are Men - Premium Natural Skincare For Men. Thus I had the opportunity to experience what was business life about out of the ivory tower of "advertising", selling, packaging, everything... risking money.

    I was always a responsible man for others' budget and after this experience I have an even greater sight on all.


  • Be essential.

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    Copywriting is about to make stories brief, impactful and essential.

    That's what I do when I am working on a brand's communication;)

  • Works. Brands.

    A few works from the selection of brands.

    Red Bull Friends HUN VO


    We Are Men

    Natural Skincare

    for men

    Video for the social launch

    Haas Natural products

    Social video for the launch of the dedicated Facebook page.

    Polifarbe Platinum


    Haas Natural puddings


    Vitasip vitamins


    Haas Quittin gellings


    Red Bull Pilvaker


  • Professional experience


    Copywriter, Team leader, Creative director

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    We Are Men - Natural Skincare for Men

    Owner, brand developer




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    Creative director, regional supervisor of Red Bull in Scandinavian and Adriatic countries


    Clients: Red Bull 360, Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, edHaas, Polifarbe, McDonalds, Puma, Inter-Európa Bank

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    McCann CRM

    Creative director


    Clients: Opel, Maggi

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    Creative director


    Clients: Chrysler, Mercedes-Benz

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    Scholtz & Friends

    Team leader copywriter


    Clients: Inter-Európa Bank (the picture on the right is really just an illustration)

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    DDB Lexington



    Clients: Levi's, Clorox, Audi

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    GGK Budapest



    Clients: Pepsi, Skoda, Audi, Gyermely tészta/pasta, Pécsi Sörfőzde

  • Mátrai Vulklán

    The challenge was to create a new wine brand out of a small family vinery in the historical region where big names rules the business. The story of its heritage came from the vulcanic soil of Mátra – literally.

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    Intro copy

    The creatures of the Mátra volcano watch over our wines and spirits fiery. Just as there is a debate about the exact location of the eruption that formed the Mátra volcano, we do not know when the divine clan myths born in its lava were first heard. Before you question the existence of these mythological figures, just taste our wines!

  • Education 

    Oxford Brooks University

    Faculty: Extraordinary management


    College for Foreign Trade

    Faculty: marketing communications


    ELTE Ságvári Endre Gyakorló Gimnázium (Trefort)


  • Skills

    Things I've picked up over the years

    360 communication, brandbuilding, copywriting, leading creative works, brandbuilding workshops

    English, Tennis, Interior design

  • Email me.

    In an emergency call me.

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